BizTalk360 – Trial License

Published on : Oct 18, 2011

Category : BizTalk360 Update



We released BizTalk360 v2.5 about 10 days ago. One thing you may/may not have noticed, we didn’t release the free developer version on the download page. The main reason for that is developer edition requires bit more testing and we couldn’t complete it on time (We are working on it and soon it will be up on the site.).  So, we just released the fully functional enterprise edition, people can download and try. But we made a mistake, we didn’t give the trial key for users to test, so our support email was bombarded with either request for trial key or people re-registering themselves to get a new key. Here is the solution 1. If you have downloaded BizTalk360 recently and you still got time left in your license, you can continue to use the same license. 2. If you don’t have a valid license, please use this one which will expiry in 30 days. tgCAALxmtDtHjcwBkOzaleKkzAE/AGNvbXBhbnk6fGRvbWFpbjp8c3FsSW5zdGFuY2U6fGVkaXRpb246VHJpYWx8bWF4QXBwbGljYXRpb25zOjEwMAH/OEXZI5/9EDtFUbI6f38Wf7f5OCLBEKbON7kUzktUQVSx101ZrAJJ4Fy7AiPNiOsQ It’s running wide on the screen, but just do a triple click on the text to get the key selected and make sure you copied the full text. Here is the instruction to update the license | @biztalk360 |  |