Steps for creating your UserControl from your derived class

Published on : Feb 28, 2010

Category : General



When you start learning Silverlight or even to some extend on a medium size project, you’ll be fine with deriving your user controls directly from System.Windows.Controls.UserControl. But soon you’ll be in a situation to derive your user controls from your own custom user control to keep something consistent. Here are the steps Step 1: Create a custom user control derived from System.Windows.Controls.UserControl. Ex: public class EnvironmentAwareUserControl : UserControl { public EnvironmentSettings EnvironmentSettings { get; set; } } Step 2: Once you added a new Silverlight User Control to your project, change it to from: public partial class SilverlightControl1 : UserControl to: public partial class SilverlightControl1 : EnvironmentAwareUserControl Step 3: This is the confusing bit (or the way Silverlight/WPF works). You need the change the XAML as well to reflect that you are deriving it from a custom control. from : <UserControl x:Class=”Test.UI.SilverlightControl1″ to: <EnvironmentAwareUserControl x:Class=”Test.UI.SilverlightControl1″ or <local:EnvironmentAwareUserControl x:Class=”Test.UI.SilverlightControl1″ xmlns:local=”clr-namespace:Test.UI.Controls” depending on your namespace declaration. Common Error message you’ll see when you try to figure out this “Partial declarations of must not specify different base classes” Nandri! Saravana