Published on : Jul 10, 2017
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Employees need a platform to come together as a family by taking a short break from their routine. This would help them primarily to relax, refresh and get energized to perform their tasks better once they get back to the job. We at
BizTalk360 realized the above fact and created a platform – Quarterly Meet for our employees. The maiden ‘
Quarterly Meet’ was successfully launched on
06th July 2017 at
Hotel Gokulam Park,

The meet was started with the presentation by
Mr. Saravana Kumar, CEO who briefed the team about the progress which BizTalk360 had made in the last quarter (AMJ) and also the expectations. That in turn followed by the introduction of new joiners to both Coimbatore and UK team.

After which, India team made the presentation in the following order: Mr.Senthilkumar Palanisamy, Technical Lead presented on BizTalk360 Product, Ms.Kuzhali Maheswaran, Jr.Test Engineer presented on
ServiceBus360 Product, Ms.Mekala Ramesh, QA Lead & Product Support presented on the QA part covering both the products, Mr.Mohan Nagaraj, Sr.Technical Writer presented on marketing activities and events, Mr.Kuppurasu Nagaraj, Technical Coordinator presented on TechMeet360, Mr.Vignesh Eswaramoorthy, Digital Marketing Executive presented on blog and its parameters, Ms.Indhirani Rangasamy, Assistant Manager – Finance & Administration presented on developments happened in the administration front and Mr. Balamano Ranjith Baskaran, Assistant Manager – Operations presented on items related to campus placement program at Dhirajlal Gandhi College of Technology, Salem, New Employee Induction Program and also about the upcoming activities.
After the business presentation, employees were taken through rewards and recognition session, performers of the quarter from BizTalk360 (Mr. Kishore Kumar), ServiceBus360 (Mr. Sunny Kumar Sharma), QA – BizTalk360 (Ms.Saranya Ramakrishnan), QA – ServiceBus360 (Ms.Kuzhali Maheswaran), Product Support (Ms.Praveena Jayanarayanan and Mr.Sivaramakrishnan), Marketing (Mr.Parthiban Perumal), Licensing (Ms.Rekha Anand, Mr,Sureshkumar Gunasekaran, Mr,Santosh Kannan), Best Blogger (Mr.Sunny Kumar Sharma), Best Speaker – TechTalk Thursday (Mr.Uma Maheshwaran Manivannan) and Best Participant – TechTalk Thursday (Ms.Praveena Jayanarayanan) were rewarded and recognized. The employees who completed their work anniversary (3yrs / 2yrs and 1 yr in BizTalk360) received the work anniversary rewards. The recipients were: 3yrs category – Mr.Sriram Hariharan, Mr.Rajesh Kannan Palanimuthu, Ms.Venitta Mary Priya, 2 yrs category – Ms.Saranya Ramakrishnan, Ms.Indhirani Rangasamy, 1 yr category – Ms.Rekha Anand, Mr.Arunprabhu Muthusamy, Ms.Praveena Jayanarayanan. Following which, MVPs – Mr.Saravana Kumar, Mr.Kuppurasu Nagaraj and Mr.Sunny Kumar Sharma were honored.
After rewards and recognition, employees were into funtainment session. Mr.Vignesh Sukumar made everyone to enjoy through his mimicry. The trainees (Mr. Balaji, Mr. Sanjith, Ms. Kanaga, Ms. Ramya, Ms. Soumiya and Ms. Manjuriya) added fun through their skit.

Then Ms. Mekala Ramesh, Ms. Saranya Ramakrishnan, Mr. Vishnu Balachandran and Mr. Rajeshkannan Palanimuthu shared their
Integrate2017 experience with the team.

Post which, ‘I Appreciate You’ activity was introduced to the team, Mr.Balamano Ranjith Baskaran invited Mr.Raja Sreenivasan and handed over the ‘Thank You’ card quoting the timely help extended by him. Finally, he took the team through a session on ‘Game of Words’ to effectively drive the power of association. Then a group photo was clicked to capture the memory of the event and the 3-hr event ended successfully with the dinner.

More pictures from the event are available