Published on : Apr 8, 2005
Category : BizTalk Server
Took the exam this afternoon and cleared it. Phew! One of toughest MS exams I’ve taken. Just theoretical knowledge will not help to pass this paper.
I feel some of the questions are really easy ones, which you can answer directly without thinking too much for example, having a key file to deploy the assembly (I’m not sure whether its counted to the final score, because in the beginning they gave me this warning saying some of the questions are dummy and doesn’t add any marks to the final score).
Some of them are no way related to Biztalk, Example Whats the best way to store SQL username and password encrypted password?
Most of the questions you need to think hard. The questions are almost from breath of the products, some questions from Custom pipeline interfaces, some from Custom Adapter deployment, and even from Hub, Spoke seed.
So, If you are planning to take the exam, my sincere advice is prepare for it, don’t just take it. Also, for those who are not aware “Vue is offering second shot free till June”, so that gives you some peace of mind.
Good luck guys, I’ll probably post a article regarding my exam preparation.
I would like to know if there are any one in UK cleared this exam so far.