Published on : May 19, 2007
Category : General
Recently for one of my weekend project I wanted to create a safe file name from a string. In the past people used to do lot of regular expressions and conditional testing to meet this requirement. Still the filename won’t be safe across multiple environments (Windows 2000/XP/2003 etc). But with .NET 2.0 using couple of inbuild functions (
Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars and
Path.GetInvalidPathChars) you can create safe filenames. Hope this piece of code will be useful to someone.
private string CreateValidFileName(string title, string extension)
string validFileName = title.Trim();
foreach (char invalChar in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars())
validFileName = validFileName.Replace(invalChar.ToString(), “”);
foreach (char invalChar in Path.GetInvalidPathChars())
validFileName = validFileName.Replace(invalChar.ToString(), “”);
if (validFileName.Length > 160) //safe value threshold is 260
validFileName = validFileName.Remove(156) + “…”
return validFileName + “.” + extension;