Call Rules From Orchestration * Important Point

Published on : Mar 22, 2005

Category : BizTalk Server



I’m not going to explain how to call rules (Policy) from an Orchestration. If you want more information visit It took me 3 hours to figure out how to get the parameter list inside the “Call Rules” shapes “Configure Policy” dialogue box with in the Orchestration. Keep this points in mind: When you create a Vocubularty Definition for XML element or attribute, with “Add New Definition” wizard. After selecting the Schema file, you make sure the “Document Type” text box has same namespace thats present in the schema but without the “http://” string. for example: if you targetnamespace in the Schema is “http://saravana.biztalk.learning.schemas.basicpo1/“, then you need to set the “Document Type” value to “Saravana.Biztalk.Learning.Schemas.BasicPO1” If you are not doing this step correctly, parameter list won’t appear in the “Call Rules”, “Configure Policy” dialogue box.