BizTalk Server Tip #22: Use Webgarden for IIS scalability

Published on : Feb 24, 2014

Category : BizTalk Server



tip22 When IIS becomes a bottleneck you can use webgarden for IIS scalability, this will create multiple hosting processes in the server and IIS will manage the balancing of load between them. Optimizing your web layer like this is very simple and highly reliable when compared to changing other internal IIS engine settings. If you have the need to process a large amount of two way receive port connections through IIS in a BizTalk Application it is likely you will exhaust some threading capabilities in the IIS engine and hit a logical bottleneck, if you have access to an IIS expert you can possible reconfigure the engine to overcome that limitation, or instead using the very scalable and easy to use web garden capability. Read On Web Gardens, ASP.NET, and IIS 6.0 blog-action04_thumb2333333333333333[3]