Twenty Hidden Features in BizTalk

by Ricardo Torre,

Twenty Hidden Features in BizTalk

by Ricardo Torre,

This whitepaper provides a list of features that are available in BizTalk but don’t have the spotlight as the other prominent ones. These features do have some real use when the need arises, so it is important and essential to know about these features better.

What’s in store for you?

This white paper will help you to:

  • Know the features that you probably did not know existed in BizTalk server
  • Know about the use of each of these features so that you can make use of them when the need arises
Ricardo Torre
About the author

Ricardo Torre

Founder and CTO at BizTastic

Ricardo works as Founder and CTO at BizTastic. Ricardo spent over 6 years of his career at Microsoft working as a Premier Field Engineer.

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