Supercharge your BizTalk development with all the exciting features of BizTalk Nos Ultimate.
BizTalk Nos Ultimate is the one-stop, feature-rich product for efficient BizTalk Server development.
Perform a full-textual search across all the artifacts within your solution. This is very similar to making a search inside a single artifact with the Visual Studio search feature, but the add-in extends the search across all the artifacts in your solution.
When your solution file is huge with lots of projects, building a single project can get time-consuming, given the internal dependencies between projects. With the add-in, you have the option of building only the required project.
How many times have you thought of having an easy way to register/unregister a DLL into GAC. This is now possible with BizTalk NoS through register/unregister in GAC functionality. You can now do this through the Visual Studio window.
With BizTalk NoS Ultimate, you can jackhammer BizTalk in order to compare the artifacts in your development environment with that in production. It is a very useful feature for BizTalk developers & administrators.
Reporting capabilities with information such as statistics, solution & artifact metrics, artifact dependencies, number of shapes in the orchestration, and so on. The reports are also interactive so you can open the artifacts as you read the reports.
Creates a more simple report with circular (internal & external) references with other artifacts. You will receive a detailed statistic information about who's using the artifact, which other artifacts is the current artifact consuming.
You have the option to test your pipeline right within the Visual Studio developer environment. You need not use a separate BizTalk Pipeline Framework or the Pipeline.exe tool.
Similar to testing a pipeline, you can now test a custom pipeline component through Visual Studio. In just 2-3 steps, you can configure and test (debug) your pipeline component.
Deploy a BizTalk assembly directly from the bin directory in Visual Studio. This is very similar to adding/updating a resource from the BizTalk server administration console.
You can deal with the dependencies between BizTalk artifacts through the different options available in the add-in.